Case Studies
A Method for Essential Community Engagement
Within 48 hours from launch, the platform had over 2,500 visits and 117 responses to the needs posted: 40 responses to provide staffing assistance, 11 responses to supply PPE/materials, 44 responses to supply food, and 22 responses to provide volunteer services. It has been an overwhelming success.
Nurturing and Engaging Recruitment Strategy
In a time when hiring healthcare workers has never been more vital, simply boosting the number of candidates is not enough. To truly grow and set up a workforce for success, healthcare organizations like Crouse Community Center are revolutionizing how they treat, nurture, and support new candidates.
Community Engagement Campaigns to Raise Awareness
In just one month, the HWapps Digital Community Engagement Campaign brought 773 unique users to the new Able2 website, showcasing the organization as a valuable company and a rewarding employer to work for.
NYSARH – Digital Suport Services
Helping a non-profit membership based organization streamline membership management and add mission-driven value
Digital Recruitment Campaigns
A super-charged approach to recruitment into high-needs positions.
Digital Continuing Education Applications and Evaluations
A look into how the HWapps Learning Management helped digitize the process of collecting CME/CNE applications from hundreds of employees across the New York City Health + Hospitals network.
720% increase in qualified DSP candidates
A look into how the HWapps Digital Recruitment Campaign helped Able2 achieve a 720% increase in number of qualified DSP candidates over the period of a month.
BeYourLocalHero Regional Recruitment Campaign
A regional recruitment campaign pilot was launch across LCHP’s 5 county region in central New York to address workforce shortages and filling key healthcare positions in the area.
The Care Management Academy: A Revolutionary New Training Program
A look into NYC Health+Hospital/ Community Care’s promising new program poised to better equip its workforce to provide transformative care in the community.